How do I market my product ?

Hi Makers. I'm Sunil! An indie developer who recently became serious about making money from my side projects.

I launched my product Landr on product hunt a week back and it reached #5. The launch was exciting. Got many relevant feedbacks. But I'm having problem with getting paid customers for my product.

I'm mainly targeting non tech people who cannot easily create landing page websites for their product. But I'm not sure how to get those initial customers. What would be the best place for me to market my product?

Hi, Sunil. Congrats on your launch!!

I'd like to learn how to launch better on PH from you😁

I don't have any income from my app so I can't give you any advice but the idea

Create Landing Page Websites In Minutes

is great, and because it's great, there are so many competitors in the same field these days.

I know Unbounce, webflow and many other No-code tools.

Maybe you have to focus on showing the difference (cheap price, feature, etc) from them.